C++ Port
Click on the link under "C++ Program" on the menu to the left to download the latest version of the C++ port of Ncorr. The download is a .zip file containing source files and CMake files. This C++ port requires a compiler that supports C++11. The C++ port also requires FFTW, OpenCV, SuiteSparse, LAPACK, and BLAS. All the dependent libraries are available for free and are easy to compile and install on Linux. The download also includes a sample test file and CMake file for compiling executables using the Ncorr library.
Also on the menu to the left is the manual in .pdf form which includes installation instructions and some documentation on the program flow. I recommend viewing this manual (and also visiting the "DIC Algorithms" page) before using Ncorr.
- As of 1/17/2018 the code will be now be maintained through github
NOTE: Please report any bugs observed during the use of the program to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I have put much effort into making the program bug free, but I cannot guarantee the nonexistence of bugs. As such, I cannot guarantee the correctness of any of the resulting displacement and strain data obtained from Ncorr. It is covered under the BSD license (included in the program download in the "license.txt" file).